We are a Christian family who has been blessed by the adoption of our sweet girl and are on the journey to adopt again.
Friday, December 7, 2012
God has a plan but we need your help!
We always say God will work it all out. Well it is one thing to say it but to put it into practice is another thing. We knew something was going to happen. We just did not know what. We were praying about what to do with the adoption we were working on... should we stop... put it on hold... or continue on... I sat in church on November 18th just praying for the Lord to show me what to do. We needed to do something. We felt called to adopt again but everything was moving soooo slow. I came home from church and started to check my e-mails. Much to my surprise there was an e-mail in regards to some children. What? Could it be? This one will require more money then we planned Adoption is expensive! Adopting a set of kids is astronomical. We are not wealthy. But one thing for certain is God has always supplied all our needs. Can we trust Him to meet the needs of us adopting a sibling group. This would require us to have a huge chunk of money upfront. The one thing we do not have is all that money up front. Living by faith has not allowed us to have a huge savings (just the opposite). Our heavenly Father has always made sure we are taken care of. He is Faithful. The one thing that has been hard for Bill and I is to ask for financial help. Bill always says he can work hard for the Kingdom but asking for money is just something that is the hardest thing to do. Well here it goes. These children are in the Democratic Republic of Congo. There are regions in the DRC that have had some rebel fighting happening. This is where these children are. We need to get them out as soon as possible. We need the money now. We are trusting God to make this happen. We need the help of our fellow believers. In this season of giving can you please prayerfully consider helping us. We need to have an answer by Friday next week. The agency tells us that they are considering separating the children since one is a boy and one is a girl. They believe this will help with moving their case faster and removing them form danger. I believe that God is big enough to make this happen. Please stand with us and give. Thank you. If everyone gave this mountain would be moved.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Well we are still here. As with all adoptions there are roadblocks and our second adoption is not exempt. We are in a holding pattern right now. Waiting... now that is not a new word for all who are familiar with adoption. Please keep us in your prayers. Till next time....
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Well I can not believe I have to say it once again... it has been too long since I posted. Life has a way of just getting busy. I have been learning that too busy of a life is not good. First, I know I have to make time for Kingdom stuff. My God loves His time with me and I have to make time to be with Him. When this happens there is nothing better and no better place to be! The next place I need to stop being so busy is the day to day stuff. I need to learn to just be with the family. The laundry and dishes can wait! When I just spend time with them it is so awesome. ( I am in the process of learning some video games, ie: kids dance and smash brothers) What a fun time for all of us. It brings me such joy to watch them all together. Which brings me to the last thing keeping me busy... This has to come with an announcement for everyone. Why you ask, because we have been a little more quiet about this. Here it comes...
We are in the process of adopting again. There I said it. This time around we thought that being a"pro" (ha ha) things would go more quickly. Enter God's timing. I know every delay works out in the end but it does not help with the frustration now. We have had problems with all different paper work. We are sending in the I600A this week, yes another step closer to an even longer wait! I know God knows who and when, I just need to trust! The next big step is getting the rest of the money for the Dossier. We have about half of it. We were counting on the tax refund but that is not happening, yet! The government sent us Emenet's COC with the wrong birth date (back in November 2010) We have been waiting on the COC to send an updated one and get her SS# to get the taxes filed. After many delays and bad promises we filed our taxes with out claiming her and will have to amend it later. I know God has it all planned and I have to trust. Here we go again.......
I hope you all enjoy the pictures. We just celebrated our two year anniversary with Emenet. We are blessed beyond words with our sweet girl. She brings such joy to everyone she meets. I can not imagine life with out her! Thank you Jesus for your faithfulness! Till next time.....
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